
  ASN1VE/ASN2TXT/TAP3VE 3.5 Release
ㆍ작성자: 관리자 ㆍ작성일: 2025/02/04 (화)   http://nltelecom.com

We are pleased to announce a new major release of our ASN1VE and ASN2TXT products.

ASN1VE (ASN.1 Viewer / Editor) is a graphical user interface (GUI) tool for analyzing and editing ASN.1 encoded data. New features added in this release include the following:

Addition of Dark Mode Configuration

Capability to search built-in ASN.1 specifications for imports

Capability to directly edit data in the XML and JSON display windows

Miscellaneous Bug Fixes and Performance Inmprovements

ASN2TXT is a command-line tool for translating ASN.1 encoded files such as CDR's into textual formats including XML, JSON, or CSV. The new release adds support for version 8 of the .NET DLL (it was at verion 7 before). Configuration file support for two new display format options - "plmnid" and "plmnid-pgw" was also added.

The full list of changes can be viewed in the change logs at

https://www.obj-sys.com/support/change-log-asn1ve.php https://www.obj-sys.com/support/change-log-asn2txt.php.

자료 출처: Objective Systems inc.
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