
  ASN1C v7.8.2 Release
ㆍ작성자: 관리자 ㆍ작성일: 2025/02/04 (화)   http://nltelecom.com

Objective Systems is pleased to announce the release of version 7.8.2 of our flagship product ASN1C.

ASN1C is a code generation tool targeted at developers who produce products based on Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) and XML standards. It is capable of generating code in six different programming languages: C, C++, Java, C#, Python, and Go.

The following is a summary of some of the key changes in this release:

Fixed a defect in interpretation of X.680 clause 50.11

A non-obvious bug was fixed having to do with compliance with X.680 clause 50.11. This involved removing the extensibility bit from the PER encoding of extensible types when any type of constraint was applied to the type whether that constraint directly impacted the extensibility of the type or not.

Removal of a limit on the maximum number of productions to be compiled

An unintended limit was discovered on the maximum number of types that would be compiled in a given specification. This limit caused types to be silently omitted from generated code. This limit was removed.

Defects fixed in use of -c++11 and -pdu all

Two defects were fixed in generated code when using -c++11 and -pdu all. In one case, an object's destructor was called twice. In another case, an object's constructor was not invoked at all.

The complete change log for v7.8.2 can be seen here:


A free evaluation version of ASN1C can be downloaded from:


ASN1C v7.8.2 is available as a free upgrade to users with active support.

자료 출처: Objective Systmes Inc.
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