Network equipment Wind River
With Wind River Network and Telecom Solutions
The network equipment business is all about connectivity. From the core, to the edge, to the access network, and then end-user devices, there is growing demand for next-generation broadband connectivity and real-time multimedia content. Building a more competitive product that delivers more value requires working with a vendor that is well-connected—to high-performance multi-core software, to open carrier grade platforms, to commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware systems, to world-class support and design services, and to an ecosystem of third-party suppliers with application-specific functionality and complementary expertise. Wind River is one vendor that can put it all together for network and telecom equipment providers—so you can keep your focus on innovation and differentiation. With Wind River you can get to market faster with products that scale to today’s network as well as tomorrow’s. You can cut development costs while improving developer productivity. And you can consistently meet the most stringent specifications for performance and reliability, so your products are even more competitive in the marketplace