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Mobile devices Wind River

With Wind River Solutions for Mobile Devices

Whether you're a handset original equipment manufacturer (OEM) or an operator, software is now the key to your success. The speed of your software development process determines your ability to differentiate your devices, meet market windows, win customers, and keep costs in line.
With Wind River you can innovate and deliver on time, on budget. We can integrate and optimize open source, independent software vendor (ISV), and Wind River components to stabilize and verify your platform. We can customize your solution to meet your specific requirements.
You receive world-class support from the beginning of your projects through consumer sales. Your solution is future-proofed through a platform that offers certified compliance with standards, and a solution roadmap. Through custom-tailored combinations of open source and commercial technology and services, we deliver a pre-integrated hardware and software ecosystem. We enable innovation and differentiation.

(08506) 서울특별시 금천구 가산디지털1로 149 신한이노플렉스 703호 (주)엔엘텔레콤
TEL: 02-813-7474 / FAX: 02-813-6355 / E-mail: sales1@nltelecom.com